talkhealth meets... Farzana Ali, The Sound Therapist

Sound bathing has been around for hundreds of years, with roots that trace back to ancient civilizations such as Greece, Egypt, and India. However, thanks to the popularity of wellness and more holistic approaches to health, more and more people are realising the power of sound bathing for better wellness. 

Farzana Ali is a qualified sound practitioner who turned to sound when she was experiencing burnout. In this Q&A, she shares her story and why sound therapy can be so beneficial...

How did you first get into sound therapy and biohacking?  

I was super stressed out, busy all of the time, and constantly on the verge of burnout – so I knew something in my life had to change. I tried a sound bath and couldn’t believe how different I felt, I guess it just went from there!

You say that sound therapy is the most resonant biohacking therapy for you, why is this? 

Honestly, it’s the modality that requires the least amount of effort. Perhaps this is what drew me in as a client and what makes it easy for my clients to stick to sound baths too. There are so many demands on us, we have less and less time, and our effort is more and more stretched these days. So, when we are so busy, it’s nice to just turn up somewhere and “switch off”. To allow someone to hold space for you and help you return to a place of deep rest.  

Where does sound bathing come from?  

Sound healing may seem like relatively new thing, but it’s been present in human existence for thousands of years across all types of cultures and countries. In fact, did you know that researchers have found that Stonehenge is designed in a way that creates “sonic speakers” to allow sound to travel around the structure with increased ease? 

What can people expect when they go to a sound bath?

Sound baths are simple. You lie down and let your body relax and soften. Then you - the client - just have to listen. The practitioner does the work for you – playing the therapeutic-grade instruments in a way to lull you into a deep trance, where both your body and mind can rest and relax so you feel restored afterwards. 

What would you say to someone who has never taken part in sound therapy?  

Go with an open mind. Welcome whatever experience comes – everything that happens contains information – it tells you something about how you are feeling and the challenges you might be facing.  

Why do you think sound therapy's popularity has increased? 

There has definitely been increased visibility of the practice over recent years thanks to the wellness boom, and social media allowing information about new therapies to be spread more widely. What's more, the practice is so easy that its one of the more accessible hollistic therapies - all you have to do is listen!

Can you implement sound therapy into your daily life? How accesible is it?  

Well, my new book Sound Healing: How to Use Sound to Beat Stress & Anxiety comes (£12.99, Amazon) with a free sound bath audio and lots of tips on how to use sound at home and in your daily life. Pick up a copy and take a look!  

For more information and to connect with Farzana, head to @thesoundtherapist on Instagram.  

Information contained in this Articles page has been written by talkhealth based on available medical evidence. The content however should never be considered a substitute for medical advice. You should always seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands or treatments.

Information written by the talkhealth team

Last revised: 5 January 2024
Next review: 5 January 2027