Allergic to everything

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by Patricia96 on Sat Mar 19, 2022 6:03 am

Allergic to everything

Hi all, I’m pretty new here, so hoping I’m in the right place.
Cutting a long story short, I suffer from eczema, sinusitis, allergies/intolerances and IBS, these have affected me since I was a baby however they’ve not caused me any major concerns, until now. My mum suffers from all of these quite severely, so I’m very aware of treatments etc that are available to me. I have tried all sorts to keep my complications at bay, however the most affective has been identifying, limiting and/or avoiding my triggers. Growing up this has been manageable, not affecting my quality of life, however my flare ups are more regular and random, usually resulting in me feeling very unwell, either from sinusitis, stomache upset, or skin discomfort. These problems are now affecting my quality of life and it is really getting me down. A major one is trying to get ready for a night out, I’m reacting to everything. I don’t wear makeup daily, but was always okay on special occasion, however now, my face always seems flushed, my eyes water, my nose constantly runs, resulting in me blowing it and wiping more makeup off etc. Fake tan is a riot, clogging in to every tine bit of dry skin, even moisturiser isn’t helping at all. Basically I’m feeling down, constantly complaining about something. Ive also been complaining to doc about chronic headaches and fatigue, but blood tests all clear so he blames stress, however I can’t find link between them, as they can happen when I’m out enjoying myself, no stress what’s so ever. Unless I have some undiagnosed condition I’m positive all my symptoms are caused by a multitude of allergies and intolerances. I really want to get to bottom of it, however as my flare ups are not severe enough my doc doesn’t seem interested in allergy testing. Is there any other way I can get this done professionally? Has anyone experienced this and what should I expect as an outcome? Thanks in advance x

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by luciferlynn6667 on Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:46 am

Re: Allergic to everything

You should talk to your doctor about being tested for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I am looking into it also snd treatment if I am diagnosed with it.

My recent post and about my allergies: ... =9&t=35856
Last edited by luciferlynn6667 on Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by MissCandyGirl on Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:02 am

Re: Allergic to everything

I don't have your allergies but I am allergic to cleaning products. If even one drop of bleach gets on my hands they flare up with eczema. In fact, I have severe eczema on one of my hands.

I saw my doctor yesterday and she diagnosed it. It is sore and painful. In fact, the skin has split and it is very painful.

Anyhow, I don't have any advice but I feel your pain.

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