Does anyone know what this is?

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by triggerfingermaybeidk on Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:22 pm

Does anyone know what this is?

I couldnt find a good forum room for this so Im posting it here, my finger hurts like crazy and I have no idea if this is normal, everytime i bend my finger (only my index finger on my left hand) it gets caught like this, can someone give me an ANSWER?!
IMG_20230210_161550.jpg (39.61 KiB) Viewed 12027 times

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by hazmatrec on Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:40 pm

Re: Does anyone know what this is?

i don't think diagnosis by photo on the internet would be a good idea. having said that, your question in the post about not knowing if this is normal might could be answered by your instinct of posting up the question in the first place. it sounds like you don't think it's normal! and you know your body best.
outwardly, and anecdotally, that looks like when i used to get 'baseball finger', I'd catch a baseball wrong and it would jam the tip of my finger and get stuck for a while. once, i had a fracture, had to sit the rest of the season out, it hurt so bad.
can someone medical look at it?

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by advhccenter on Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:43 am

Re: Does anyone know what this is?

I not sure about it what to say about it ..

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