Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

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by BowelProblem on Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:32 am

Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

Does anyone find that their stomach pains due to IBS come on very quickly and at times feel very sharp, growly and intense? All of a sudden it then goes away and returns quickly a few times before finally ending after a bowel movement. The distress of this probably makes it worse but what are your symptoms of IBS?

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by VeganJen20 on Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:48 am

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

Mine, although undiagnosed, comes on just before I need to go and then suddenly straight afterwards and can be quite a sharp pain. I use Enterosgel for helping reduce the pain. It gave me a much better night's sleep last night as the previous two nights it felt like I had a washine machine for a stomach! :(

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by SamSam232 on Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:49 am

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

I have pain predominant ibs with C. I experience upper gastric pain right below my sternum that feels like a knife and it will radiate to my back. I will also get left upper quadrant sharp pain and it will travel to the right upper quadrant, right below my ribs. Many times, I will get a headache with the abdominal pain. My problem is more of a motility issue. I have been on FODMAP diet and am sensitive to gluten and lactose. Food is not always a trigger. I have been recording pain for over a year and I have found that I have flares for about 7-10 days a month now, much better than 18 months ago when this started (after gall bladder surgery). I take Levsin and am on a gluten free diet, along with limiting lactose and using Lactaid. I have been able to gain some weight back now, and I am exercising again. I find I am yearning for my life before ibs, but I am thankful to have less pain every day.

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by RUTHIEUK on Sun Mar 10, 2019 6:28 am

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

hullo SamSam
Its good you have found some management strategies. I am also ibs - c dominant but my pain is mostly abdominal with painful bloating and trapped wind. My life revolves around preparing food and daily regime of drinking water moving about and keeping diaries! I use a sachet of Movicol and senna tea as necessary.....after 17 years this has made my gut lazy.
I lost wieght 10 years ago and am still onlu 371/2 kg. I follow the low FODMAPS as best I can but unlike you, use goats rice & almond milk..dont fancy lactose free as never liked cows milk.

May I ask your age? I am nearly 71 but still active.

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by agata7ar on Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:26 pm

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

Yes, I do suffer from abdominal pains every now and then.

I take Propinox and use probiotics every day to restore the flora.

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by Carlych1 on Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:28 am

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

I haven’t been medically diagnosed but I think I have IBS. Is it normal to have abdominal pain front and in my back for 6 days and it doesn’t go away when I go to the toilet. In fact my bowel does not hurt at all and have been regular still. I have a head ache with it.

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by hcghealthcare on Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:26 am

Re: Do you suffer with abdominal pains?

I didn’t experience pain, but I felt discomfort in my lower abdomen, which was due to internal movements. After a diagnosis, I learned that it is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The discomfort is caused by gas formation.

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