Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

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by drewwilson on Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:42 am

Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

Just thought I'd share my eczema and allergy journey as it has cleared up after having symptoms for 35 years.

I would always have at least one patch of eczema on my body my whole life. I got diagnosed with dust mite allergy and pollen allergy, but I noticed it would be exacerbated when I ate gluten and dairy or drank alcohol.

The countless creams I used would only mask the symptoms temporarily.

I'd always heard that alternative medicine disciplines say that it's a problem with the gut, but nothing seemed to help.

These are the main things I changed in my life;

1. I stopped using harsh clothes washing detergents and only use basic eucalyptus products
2. I do everything in my power to clean dust build up especially in bedroom, by vacuuming and regularly changing bed sheets, also spray eucalyptus on the carpets as I read it kills dust mites
3. Maybe the most important... I started taking powdered gelatin (4 teaspoons) in warm water with 2grams of vitamin c - twice a day... upon waking and before bed.

I'm not a doctor or scientist or nutritionist... but I believe the gelatin and vitamin c has healed my gut and also my skin! It's also heavily reduced my hayfever symptoms, but they still occasionally flare up. My skin feels so great now.

Hope this info is able to potentially help some of you sufferers, because I know how annoying these symptoms can be.

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by MissCandyGirl on Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:45 am

Re: Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

Your post is obviously genuine. Taking your steps to clearing up eczema is valuable and logical. I would certainly advise others take your advice.

I don't have eczema myself but can understand how horrible it must be.

Anyhow, brilliant advice first-hand.

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by advhccenter on Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:22 pm

Re: Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

No, there isn't a solution for dermatitis. There are medicines accessible, however no treatment can dispense with your side effects always. Dermatitis is an ongoing condition, and that implies it can disappear and return startlingly. Medicines are extremely powerful in lessening the side effects of irritated, dry skin
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by on Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:02 am

Re: Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

Like Drewwilson I have suffered with eczema for the past 38 years. I contracted the condition when I was 16 years old on a trip to Myrtle Beach SC. The eczema first appeared under my high school class ring and we suspected I was allergic to something in the ring or an allergen had gotten between my ring and finger. I used creams for years hoping the condition would clear up but it never did.

Since my condition seemed to come and go I have continuously searched for a cause to the condition.

Recently I began trying to improve my diet to help reduce my cholesterol numbers. After making some extensive changes to my diet I noticed my hands had been somewhat clear for longer than normal. I also noticed as I would fall off my diet the eczema would return. After much analysis of my diet I have learned that either sugar, soft drinks and or process foods was contributing to my condition. For a while I could simply drink one or two soft drinks and my hands would begin itching. Now after a couple years I'm not as sensitive to changes in my diet but still after slipping and eating poorly my hands will begin to itch reminding me to watch what I eat.

As a benefit of my diet I have lowered my bad cholesterol numbers, gained control of my eczema and have not used any of the prescribed creams for over 12 months. Wahoo!

I would love to know if someone else has had a similar experience or would be willing to change their diet. I mostly try to focus on eating foods which have not been heavily processed and limit the sugar and soft drinks I consume.

Hope my experience might be helpful to one or more sufferers of eczema.

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by advhccenter on Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:42 pm

Re: Lifelong Eczema has FINALLY Cleared Up!

No, there isn't a remedy for skin inflammation. There are medicines accessible, yet no treatment can dispense with your side effects always. Dermatitis is a persistent condition, and that implies it can disappear and return out of the blue. Medicines are extremely viable in decreasing the side effects of irritated, dry ski

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