Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?

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by ritamay123 on Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:28 am

Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?

I have chronic prostatitis for over 3 years. I have all unbearable symptoms include frequent and urgent urination, pain while urinating, pain in the testicle, lower abdominal pain and lower back pain. I have consulted 7 to 9 doctors for treating this disease and have tried all possible treatments. But the infection still keeps on and off. What herbal medicine is more effective in treating prostatitis rather than antibiotics? Plz help. Any advice would be appreciative.

Update: My friend, Derek, had chronic prostatitis and then cured by this herbal medicine, so he recommended me a herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. He told me it's effective in treating chronic prostatitis. And I decide to have a try.

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by talkhealth on Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:27 am

Re: Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?


sorry to hear about your painful problem, and we hope that you will have a reply to your post shortly.

Unfortunately, talkhealth are unable to offer any specific medical advice or recommend any specific course of treatment but would always advise checking with a health professional before taking any kind of medication.

Surprisingly, even herbal or 'natural' remedies can cause adverse effects and should be taken with caution and under medical supervision if you have been diagnosed with any medical condition. If in doubt, we would suggest that you go back to your GP just to get it checked out.

Please do however, let us know how you get on


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by ritamay123 on Sat Dec 28, 2019 3:37 am

Re: Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?

@ talkhealth
Thanks! I will take the medicine with caution and under medical supervision.
talkhealth wrote:Hi,

sorry to hear about your painful problem, and we hope that you will have a reply to your post shortly.

Unfortunately, talkhealth are unable to offer any specific medical advice or recommend any specific course of treatment but would always advise checking with a health professional before taking any kind of medication.

Surprisingly, even herbal or 'natural' remedies can cause adverse effects and should be taken with caution and under medical supervision if you have been diagnosed with any medical condition. If in doubt, we would suggest that you go back to your GP just to get it checked out.

Please do however, let us know how you get on



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by advhccenter on Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:23 pm

Re: Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?

Oral antimicrobial specialists are the pillar of therapy for persistent bacterial prostatitis (CBP), with the best prescriptions being fluoroquinolones and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

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by mutakura on Wed Sep 04, 2024 2:32 pm

Re: Is there any herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis?

Indeed, some herbal medicines may assist in managing symptoms of Chronic prostatitis. It is, however, important to work with healthcare providers to create a plan that fits your needs.

Chronic prostatitis is a condition that causes ongoing pelvic pain and urinary issues. People may feel pain or a burning sensation when they urinate. They might also need to go to the bathroom more often or feel an urgent need to do so. While doctors often suggest antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, some men turn to plant-based options as a way to ease the pain and discomfort.

This post discusses how herbal medicines, supplements, and lifestyle changes can help make a difference for those with chronic prostatitis.
Herbs like saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil, along with quercetin, stinging nettle, and beta-sitosterol, might help with inflammation and pain. Supplements such as zinc and cranberry extract could also support prostate health. These natural remedies might offer new ways to improve life for those with chronic prostatitis.

Understanding Chronic Prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that can be tough on men. It shows different symptoms, like pain when you pee, needing to pee a lot, and feeling pain in your pelvic area. Knowing the types of prostatitis and what causes them is key to treating it.

Symptoms and Causes of Prostatitis
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is the most common type of prostatitis. It's marked by ongoing pelvic pain that lasts over three months. People with it may also feel pain in their penis, scrotum, perineum, and lower abdomen.

Prostatitis can come from many things, like bacterial infections, problems with the immune system, or nerve issues. Bacterial prostatitis is usually due to a bacterial infection. On the other hand, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis don't have a known bacterial cause. Being over 50, having an enlarged prostate, and a history of urinary tract infections or prostatitis can increase your risk.

• Bacterial prostatitis is often treated with antibiotics like fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, and trimethoprim.
• Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis are less understood. Treatment might include lifestyle changes, medications, and other therapies.

It's important to see a doctor if you have prostatitis symptoms. If left untreated, it can lead to serious problems like bacterial blood infections, prostatic abscess, issues with sexual health, and inflammation of nearby organs.

Conventional Treatments for Prostatitis
Doctors often use antibiotics for bacterial prostatitis. For chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, they might prescribe alpha blockers. These help relax the bladder and improve urine flow. In severe cases, surgery may be needed.

Antibiotics are a key treatment for prostatitis. The treatment usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks or more. These treatments aim to fight the infection and ease symptoms.

But, many men don't find these treatments helpful or they have side effects. This pushes some to look for other ways to manage their symptoms.

Surgical Treatments for Prostatitis
If antibiotics don't work, surgery might be an option. This could be TURP or prostatectomy. These surgeries remove infected or damaged prostate tissue.

Alpha Blockers for Prostatitis
Alpha blockers are sometimes given for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. They relax the bladder and muscles, making urination easier. This can help with urine flow and feeling like the bladder isn't fully empty.

Herbal Medicine for Chronic Prostatitis
Herbal remedies have shown promise for chronic prostatitis. Saw palmetto may help stop the production of DHT, a hormone that can make the prostate bigger. Pygeum bark and stinging nettle have anti-inflammatory effects that could help.

Quercetin is a strong antioxidant that can lessen pain and inflammation from chronic prostatitis. Herbal remedies like pumpkin seed oil, beta-sitosterol, and cranberry extract might also help men with this condition.

Popular Herbal Remedies
• Saw Palmetto: May help inhibit DHT production and reduce prostate enlargement.
• Pygeum Bark: Possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may be helpful.
• Stinging Nettle: Also has anti-inflammatory effects that could benefit chronic prostatitis.
• Quercetin: A powerful antioxidant that may reduce pain and inflammation.
• Pumpkin Seed Oil: May provide relief for chronic prostatitis symptoms.
• Beta-Sitosterol: A plant-based compound that could offer some benefits.
• Cranberry Extract: May help alleviate certain aspects of chronic prostatitis.

While these herbal remedies show promise, it's important to talk to a healthcare provider before starting them. They may interact with other medicines or have side effects. Using these natural options with traditional treatments can help manage chronic prostatitis symptoms.
Nutritional Supplements for Prostate Health

Some nutritional supplements can help with chronic prostatitis. Zinc is key for fighting inflammation and making the prostate smaller. Omega-3 fatty acids also help by reducing inflammation. Lycopene, found in tomatoes, can improve PSA levels. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and lessens inflammation in the prostate.

Prostate issues are common in older men, affecting up to 50% of those over 50. Symptoms like painful urination and frequent trips to the bathroom can really lower quality of life. Adding the right supplements can be a big help in managing prostate health.

• Zinc supplements may help reduce prostate inflammation and enlargement.
• Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that could benefit the prostate.
• Lycopene, an antioxidant in tomatoes, has been associated with improved PSA levels.
• Vitamin C may support the immune system and reduce prostate inflammation.

Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting any supplements. It's crucial for your health to get the right advice and to manage your prostate well.

Lifestyle Changes for Prostate Wellness
Alongside herbal and nutritional supplements, making certain lifestyle changes can also be beneficial for managing chronic prostatitis symptoms. Limiting fluid intake before bedtime, practicing double voiding (attempting to urinate twice during bathroom visits), and performing pelvic floor exercises may help improve urinary function.

Maintaining a healthy body weight and avoiding dehydrating substances like alcohol, caffeine, and cold medications can also be supportive for prostate health. By making these lifestyle changes, individuals can take an active role in promoting their prostate wellness and potentially alleviate the disruptive symptoms associated with chronic prostatitis.

Fluid Intake Management and Double Voiding
• Limit fluid intake before bedtime to reduce nighttime urination
• Practice double voiding by attempting to urinate twice during each bathroom visit

Pelvic Floor Exercises
Performing pelvic floor exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the prostate and bladder, potentially improving urinary function.
Weight Management and Avoiding Dehydrating Substances

1. Maintain a healthy body weight to support prostate health
2. Avoid dehydrating substances like alcohol, caffeine, and certain medications

By incorporating these lifestyle changes, individuals with chronic prostatitis can take a proactive approach to managing their condition and promoting overall prostate wellness.

Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Men with chronic prostatitis can try complementary and alternative therapies. These include homeopathic remedies like Chimaphila umbellate, Pulsatilla, and Lycopodium. They aim to ease specific symptoms. Acupuncture might also help by improving urine flow and reducing inflammation.

Physical Therapies for Prostate Wellness
Physical therapies can also be beneficial. Kegel exercises and sitz baths can strengthen pelvic muscles. This can lead to better prostate health. These methods are great for men who haven't found relief with traditional treatments.

• Homeopathic remedies like Chimaphila umbellate, Pulsatilla, and Lycopodium help with prostatitis symptoms.
• Acupuncture could improve urine flow and lessen inflammation in the prostate.
• Kegel exercises and contrast sitz baths can make pelvic muscles stronger and boost prostate health.

Risk Factors and Prevention
Not all causes of chronic prostatitis are known, but some risk factors are clear. Getting older can make the prostate gland grow, raising the chance of prostatitis. Hormones, like an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen, might also be involved.

Problems with the immune system and nerve irritation are linked to chronic prostatitis too. Studies show that chronic prostatitis leads to about 2 million visits to doctors in the U.S. each year. This makes it the third most common issue for men's urology. Globally, around 8 million visits to doctors are for chronic prostatitis each year, affecting 8.2% of men worldwide.

Knowing what increases the risk can help men prevent or manage the condition. A healthy lifestyle, like eating well, exercising, and managing stress, can help keep the prostate healthy. This can lower the chance of getting chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis can be tough to handle, but using standard treatment methods, together with herbal and natural treatments can help. These methods include herbal medicines, supplements, and lifestyle changes. They offer a holistic way to manage symptoms and boost prostate health.
While standard treatments are the best, adding herbal and natural options can make a big difference. With the right treatment plan, people with chronic prostatitis can improve their quality of life and prostate health. Working with healthcare providers helps create a plan that fits each person's needs.

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