How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

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by buenohays on Fri Aug 09, 2024 7:48 am

How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

I've been struggling with bad habits and anxiety for a while and I'm looking for a natural and effective way to overcome these challenges. Traditional methods haven't worked well for me, and I'm interested in exploring alternative approaches that focus on mental and emotional wellness. Can you recommend any solutions that have proven results?

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by rookieman13 on Tue Aug 13, 2024 7:46 pm

Re: How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

Hey, I hear you. Have you tried mindfulness or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)? They've helped me manage anxiety and break bad habits in a natural way.

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by nessajae on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:20 am

Re: How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. It's a little bit difficult to answer as there's not much detail on the issues or what you have and haven't tried already - I'm not sure what you consider traditional or alternative! - but for me, I have found cranio-sacral therapy enormously helpful.
I have been doing this for several years and I find my entire nervous system is taken down an alert level or two after a session - it's helped me to be physically and emotionally more comfortable which has provided a great foundation for managing my mental health and avoiding getting stuck in habitual ruts.
It's important to get the right practitioner and I would recommend trying a few people to see whose approach works for you - I have a wonderful practitioner and our sessions can be quite varied, sometimes just focusing on physical things but other times talking more about emotions. You do have to build a bit of a relationship over time to get the most out of it so it can be a bit of an endeavour to seek out the right practitioner and give it a fair go, but it's really worth it if it works out. I have varied the session frequency, going every fortnight through some tough times but at the moment I just book in every now and again when I feel it would be helpful.

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by MissCandyGirl on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:25 pm

Re: How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

I take a more emotional way of dealing with bad habits and anxiety. Fortunately, my anxiety is only mild: therefore I still do "scary" things. Anything that gets me out of my comfort zone makes me feel good. As for bad habits: I don't drink or smoke. Are these what you refer to as bad habits?

If they are, you could reduce your alcohol intake to one glass of wine a day. If you smoke, you could try quitting. If you didn't smoke - if you do - then what would you miss about it? Find different ways to occupy your work lunchbreak. Back to drink: alcohol can be highly addictive. If you are an alcoholic - and suffer anxiety - then I'd go to a group. Perhaps knowing others with the same issues would help you reduce your drinking.

Anxiety is awful: I know. But there are services and groups that assist people such as yourself.

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by advhccenter on Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:22 am

Re: How can I effectively overcome bad habits and anxiety?

One methodology is to zero in on turning out to be more mindful of your undesirable propensities. Then foster procedures to balance them. For instance, propensities can be connected in our brains to specific spots and exercises. You could foster an arrangement, say, to try not to stroll a few doors down where there's a sweets machine.

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