Hot Flushes

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by jopitcairn on Fri May 23, 2008 2:03 pm

Hot Flushes

Do you suffer from hot flushes?
Are they mild or totally incapacitating.
Do you sweat much with them
Do you go red? Is this embarrassing?
Do they last a few seconds or much longer?
Do they occur during the day or at night, or both.
Do you manage to sleep?
Do you get Palpitations with them?.
What have you found that helps?

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by milly on Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:01 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

I suffer with a feeling of intense heat mainly at night which i assume are flushes, aching legs, irritability, and upset tummy, not able to maintain a good nights sleep. I go off to sleep ok waking a couple of hours later. Does anyone else experience any of this????

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by jopitcairn on Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:59 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

Have you tried taking magnesium for aching legs? It helps some people

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by sueogilvie on Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

I wake up from a hot flush, then I'm aware of weird palpitations,which make me feel anxious.
Then I throw the cover off, things settle down. I go back to sleep, only to wake up sometime later when the whole process starts again. And so on..... YAWN.
In the morning I feel as if I've had a heavy night out on the town.
Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about?

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by annabana on Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:34 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

Hi Sue
Yes I do, I feel exhausted,I have drenching night sweats, which are so bad I often have to get out of bed and change the bedclothes.
I also have hot flushes during the day, so I wear loads of thin layers which I can get out of quickly.
I hate the idea of HRT, would like to hear from anyone who has tried it, or found something else that works.
I'm pretty desperate.

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by jopitcairn on Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:51 am

Re: Hot Flushes

I take Aloe Vera every evening,and that really makes a huge difference. If I forget to take it as I did last night I get a hot flush, but other than that I'm pretty good now.
A word of warning however, if you start to take it, your hot flushes in my experience get worse for up to a month, then disapear.
Hope this helps.

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by AprilA on Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:13 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

I have started to have hot flushes, mainly a week before and after my period and of course during. I have started to wear lighter weight clothing in bed which helps and I also keep a wet flannel next to my bed: I have found by not making the flannel too cold helps as well. When I have a hot flush at night it is when it the most uncomfortable.

Cara Voller

by Cara Voller on Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:10 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

This was on the talkhealth blog -

New research funded by the charity Wellbeing of Women has found that antidepressants could help reduce hot flushes by influencing how blood vessels expand and contract in women experiencing symptoms.

In the trial 60% of women taking the antidepressant, Effexor noticed improved hot flushes.

However there is some controversy over whether an antidepressant should be used to treat other conditions and concerns over long term implications of using a drug meant for one condition on something completely different.

What do you think? If it works is that all that matters or do you think its a concern that specific drugs are used for multiple conditions?

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by jackyk on Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:27 pm

Re: Hot Flushes

i have been prescribed fluoxetine 5 months ago to help with hot flushes. Dont so much as reduce them but coping better with them now. Im up for anything that helps

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by lois6318 on Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:16 am

Re: Hot Flushes


I feel bad for people that do not feel well because of menopause symptoms.
I went through this quite a while. No fun. I wanted to turn you on to something
thousands of times stronger than what your are using. It's like a script.
It "Premium Pueraria Mirifica". Its the best and thousands of times stronger than
anything else. I used 200 mg/ day when I was pre-menopausal beginning the first day of
my period for 15 days then stop, I used natural progesterone cream after that 20 mg/day
for 5 days for two weeks. What a difference! Now the I reached menopause I use Pueraria Mirifica
the same dosage everyday of the month and 20 mg of progesterone cream (Now brand) 20 days
of the month 20 mg and move the cream around, Meaning one day on the arm, one day on the leg,
belly etc. My skin and hair look much better also

Go for it!!!!
Best lo

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