Gabz Pearson

Co-founder of Menstrual Health Project

I am a very proud to be co-founder of Menstrual Health Project which is a UK charity focused on improving education on both menstrual health & women’s health concerns & conditions.

After a long battle of struggling with my periods and bowel/stomach issues, I was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis at 23 – after years of misdiagnosis and medical gaslighting. Since my endometriosis diagnosis, I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, adenomyosis, IBS, chronic back pain and bulging discs.

I have had 5 operations due to endometriosis continuing to grow back and spread. I have also had to undergo multiple procedures on my back and pelvis to try to reduce the chronic pain and permanent damage caused to my body and organs, such as my bowel and bladder.

It’s safe to say suffering with such a difficult condition like endometriosis has impacted not only my physical health, but also my mental health. Starting MHP with Anna and getting to turn my pain into power and something positive to harness all the trauma and sadness keeps me going.

I never ever want anyone to go through what I experienced or feel that they can’t advocate for themselves or have the correct information and support available.

You can find out more about the MHP here